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11 Tips on How to Exude Confidence as an Introvert

By: Solomon Asine

Table of Contents

You can express yourself confidently without feeling shy or experiencing burnout. Here is how to exude confidence as an introvert.

As an introvert, maintaining your confidence level, especially when interacting with people with higher energy levels can be challenging. 

However, you can develop self-confidence even as an introvert.

Being introverted does not always mean that you are shy. Rather, it indicates that when you spend time alone, you feel energized and recharged.

Many introverts have confidence issues, and this can prevent them from taking advantage of opportunities and achieving success in life.

Whether in a personal or professional setting, it’s crucial to learn how to be more confident as an individual, not just to better interact with others, but also to feel better about yourself in social situations.

You must first build a strong relationship with yourself before you can build successful relationships with others.

Now, here is how you can exude your self-confidence even as an introvert.

1. Acknowledge your lack of confidence

Indeed this is the first step to exuding your confidence as an introvert.

Change can be scary but we won’t be able to grow unless we go through some pain.

Identifying your deeper fears will help you determine the next step on your road to self-confidence.

Just know that everyone is afraid of something, but it is entirely up to you to decide whether or not you want to acknowledge and confront your fears.

July 31, 2024 2:00 PM | Online

July 31, 2024 2:00 PM | Online

Mindset Makeover

developing unshakeable self-esteem in a challenging world


2. Leverage your passion

The idea here is to find your passion and leverage it. Do what you are good at.

Everyone has a talent for something, so do what you love.

Where you feel you have no talent, do what you’re good at.

Make those amazing brownies you made for the family picnic last year, paint, draw, write, whatever! Anything and everything you’re good at just, go ahead and do it.

As an introvert wanting more confidence, the repetitive practice of doing what you’re good at will serve as a good reminder that you have something that you can be proud of.

3. Try taking small steps

Developing confidence is not something that happens overnight; however, you can speed up the process by taking baby steps.

When you try to address all your confidence issues at once, you’re likely to get overwhelmed and frustrated.

To achieve any worthwhile goal, you must take a gradual and consistent pace, so you don’t lose momentum and give up.

Identify the small things you can do to boost your confidence or feel better about yourself.

I believe that increasing confidence means:

  • You believe in yourself. You’re confident in who you are and don’t doubt yourself or your actions.
  • You don’t have to belittle others to feel better about yourself. It is a direct reflection of how you feel about yourself when you do this.
  • You welcome change and the challenges that life throws at you.
  • You remain positive even while dealing with difficult people or situations.

If you feel that you are been overly critical of yourself, for example, force yourself to break these destructive thought patterns by focusing on something else.

The more you stop a thought in its tracks, the easier it is to eliminate it.

4. Practice clear and effective communication

According to Hays, being confident does not depend upon what we say, but upon what the others hears.

This is why clear communication is so important, especially for introverts.

So learn to communicate your thoughts, feelings, and ideas.

When you have difficulty expressing yourself, especially to the point of being misunderstood, then it can deter you from expressing yourself in the future. You’ll feel less confident if you doubt yourself.

Your mode of expression may not be understood by everyone, and that is okay. The most important thing is that you convey your ideas in the clearest possible way.

To achieve this, you can start a blog to write down your thoughts.

Even if no one reads what you write, putting your feelings into words might help you learn how to communicate more effectively.

Invite a friend to sit down with you and point out the moments when you don’t express yourself clearly.

Ask your loved ones how you may improve your communication skills, and incorporate their suggestions in future conversations.

5. Dress in a way that reflects your best self

This is entirely subjective as some people don’t feel the need to dress their best to grow self-confidence. They would rather do other things.

However, self-confidence is often linked to how we see and present ourselves.

In a study, elderly women were consistently reported to feel more confident when they feel they were dressed nicer than normal.

Another research found that wearing prestigious fashion brands increased the self-esteem and perceived social status of the women in the sample.

I think it would be acceptable of us to apply both these findings to people other than just women and the well-aged.

So, dress like the self-assured introvert you aspire to be.

It doesn’t have to be flashy; it just has to make you look in the mirror and think, “Yup, this is how I want to be seen.”

This could be a simple button-down shirt and jeans, a crop top with a maxi skirt, or even a jacket and basketball shorts. Anything that makes you feel comfortable and at your best would do.

I’m not saying that dressing well makes a person, but it does have an impact on how they feel about themselves. 

Face it, when you don’t feel good about yourself, it affects how you carry yourself and interact with others.

6. Do not compare yourself to others

We often set goals based on our comparison with others. We want to be faster, richer, and more successful.

However, these goals are often degrading and out of our control. 

If you want to build confidence, you must abandon any comparisons.

Compete with yourself and focus on your own goals, not on others

Whether you’re introverted or not, comparing yourself to others is a sure way to stall your growth.

Nothing good comes from putting yourself down to be like someone else.

Instead, accept that everyone operates differently, and is motivated by different forms of energy. So, the sooner you embrace and love yourself, the sooner you become more confident.

7. Focus not on yourself but on others

Social confidence doesn’t come from what you do, how you look, or how you feel.

Even if it works, it will be for a very limited period, and it won’t last since it’s missing a key component.

Sustainable social confidence develops when you focus not on yourself but on others.

When you’re preoccupied with how you feel on the inside, your appearance, and your thoughts, you miss out on the chance to make a genuine impact – which is to connect with the other person.

Because your attention turns inward, you become less socially engaged. And this has the exact opposite effect.

When we put too much focus on ourselves (what we say, how others perceive us, how interesting we are) we become uncomfortable.

However, if you turn your attention to others, you’ll become more perceptive and socially confident.

8. Stay close to supportive friends

Being comfortable is a key ingredient of confidence, and you probably have a small group of outstanding friends with whom you feel most comfortable. 

Spend more time with them (not the toxic ones) and just soak up the love!

They’ll remind you of how great you are and how confident you should be.

9. Celebrate your accomplishments by journaling

As an introvert, journaling is a great way for me to park my worries, but it’s even a better way for me to celebrate my successes.

Don’t let your accomplishments fade away. Document them.

For instance, you could write: “Today, I prepared well for a contentious meeting, got my voice heard, and made a positive impact.” or “Today at work, I finally networked with a new manager.”

Keeping a success journal boosts your confidence. So make sure you go back and read your accomplishments when you begin to doubt your abilities.  

10. Positive self-talk is important

We introverts are often our worst critics.

We criticize our brave attempts, we downplay our achievements, and we compare ourselves to other people with harsh words. We sometimes forget that our words have power.

So, it is important to become your own biggest cheerleader by using positive self-talk instead of harsh condemnations. 

For example, encourage yourself before social calls (“I am excited to share about my latest vacation or passion project and I am curious about others”) and meetings (“I know my stuff and I’m well prepared”).

Changing your mindset from a negative to a positive one can boost your confidence right away.

Our confidence grows when we celebrate our victories, fill our lives with our passions, and surround ourselves with positive support.

We are better able to pursue our goals with zeal if we have a higher sense of self-esteem.

The passage of time tells you that life is indeed short so you don’t have to wallow in self-pity.

Instead, embrace your introversion, boost your self-confidence, and become your best self!

11. Get your alone time and make it count

As an introvert, you already know how important it is to get that much-needed alone time.

If, for example, you’re drained from socializing nonstop, it could impact your energy level and, ultimately, your ability to exude confidence.

So, give yourself some alone time (the way you like it).

Spend time alone and simply relax, whether it’s with a good book, a movie, a bath, a nap, or a refreshing workout. You just need to feel relaxed and comfortable in your skin.

Just allow yourself to be an introvert, and don’t beat yourself up about it!

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