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What to Do When You Do Not Have Friends Anymore

By: Solomon Asine

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Are you starting to feel lonely and looking for what to do to stay happy when you have no friends? Here is what you need to do to stay happy.

Having no friends around us can be quite depressing and make us feel like we will be lonely for the rest of our lives.

Fortunately, that is not true, as your happiness is naturally not tied to anyone.

So, you can still live a life of satisfaction and joy even where there is no friend in sight.

Focus on what you can do to stay happy alone as it is better to be alone in good company with yourself than to be in the company of others who don’t care about you.

Here are things you can do to stay happy even when you have no friends anymore.

1. Appreciate your self-worth

As humans, we often depend on people’s validation of our feelings.

Instead, it would help if you learn to appreciate yourself regardless of people’s opinions about you.

An article in Simi Psychological Group noted that our happiness is not dependent on our friends but on how well we take care of ourselves.

This is because, when they leave, your happiness goes with them.

Learn to validate yourself without needing others to help you out.

Be that independent person who understands and appreciates his or herself and stays happy regardless of what other people think.

Where you’ve always relied on others to validate your decisions, you need to learn to start making such big decisions independently as guided by your rational mind.

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2. Develop your physical and mental health

In order to be happy, there is a need to develop your physical and mental well-being.

Practice self-love by building a healthier lifestyle.

To better support your physical health and mental well-being, learn to exercise more often, get adequate sleep each night, clean up your diet and meditate when you can.

According to NHS, being physically active improves our self-esteem, helps us set clear goals and achieve them, and positively changes our mood.

One way to improve your mental well-being is by learning new skills, which have been shown to raise self-esteem, boost self-confidence, and help us connect better with others.

3. Spend more time with your family

If you are lucky to have your family geographically close to you, take that opportunity and spend more time with them. You can find the joy that comes from friendship in family, as they probably know you a lot better than any friend would.

Where you are looking to hang out and socialize, it may be a wise move to hang out with your family.

According to Highland Spring, spending time with our family can lead to a healthier lifestyle, stress & anxiety reduction, and a longer lifespan.

As a result, your happiness and satisfaction level increase.

Remember, your family remains your first love, and spending time with a happy and positive family can revive the positive energy in you.

Where your family lives far away, visit them as often as possible

 Try to strengthen the natural bond you all share, and happiness will come to you naturally.

4. Learn new skills

As stated by positive psychologist, Vanessa King,

“Learning something new helps build self-confidence and self-efficacy. It is also a way of better connecting with others.”

In addition to improving your mental well-being, learning new skills and trying something new will make you feel happier.

Take up new hobbies. For instance, learn how to play the guitar, attend dance class, read books that interest you, or participate in voluntary community service.

By putting your creativity to work, you gain a positive outlook on life, and you become happier as a result.

5. Limit social media usage

A study conducted by the University of Pennsylvania found a link between excessive social media usage and loneliness.

The study also shows that limiting our social media usage to 30 minutes daily may significantly improve our well-being and reduce loneliness and depression.

Where we experience a reduction in loneliness and depression, we become happier as a result.

So, to better accelerate your recovery, limit the amount of time you spend on social media.

6. Improve your social skills

As much as we may like to place all the blames on our friends for leaving us, there are times where the fault could be from us.

This could be due to our poor interpersonal communication skills.

The truth is that no one wants to remain friends with someone who only cares about themselves and is insensitive and blind to the feelings of others around him.

In order to build a good social connection with others and attract all the friends and influence you want, there is a need to master your social skills.

A fast way to achieve this is by showing genuine interest in others and getting to know them better.

Remember, friendship is a two-way street.

Checkout: 5 Ways to Improve Your Interpersonal Communication Skills


As earlier stated, it is better to be alone in good company with yourself than to be in the company of others who care less about you.

Do not feel pressured to make new friends, as you may come off as desperate.

Instead, focus on how best to make yourself happy without needing the validation of others.

However, if your friends are leaving you due to your behavior, it may be time to work on yourself and try to be the best version of yourself.

July 31, 2024 2:00 PM | Online

July 31, 2024 2:00 PM | Online

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