A lot of people, (including some introverts) think that to become a successful business owner, you have to be an extrovert.
To them, business is not for the introverted.
This is indeed a myth as there are lots of successful introverted entrepreneurs in the business world right now.
So, can introverts be successful in business?
Absolutely! Introverts can be successful in business as it is not necessary to be an extrovert to succeed as an entrepreneur. This is because business success is about solving problems and making smart decisions.
Today, many entrepreneurs and business leaders like Warren Buffett, Elon Musk, and Bill Gates are all self-proclaimed introverts.
Aside from being excellent business leaders, some introverts also excel in more specific roles like sales and business development.
So, do not be pushed to think that as an introvert you cannot successfully run a business.
Introverts should consider themselves lucky, as some of the leadership qualities needed to manage and run a company are possessed by them.
Why are introverts successful in business?
Introverts tend to be more successful in business because they are capable of leading a company from a focused position.
They are result-driven as their focus is on creating something positive rather than enhancing their image.
Now, introverts make successful business owners because of the following reasons.
July 31, 2024 2:00 PM | Online
July 31, 2024 2:00 PM | Online
Mindset Makeover
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Why introverts make successful entrepreneurs
Introverts make better leaders
According to a study, 40 percent of the leaders of today are introverted.
Research conducted by the Harvard Business Review also shows that in complex and unpredictable situations, introverts are more effective leaders.
This is as a result of their unique ability to handle situations extroverts cannot, since quiet leadership is often critical to the long-term success of any company.
Many people assume introverts are quiet, shy, and boring.
However, they possess qualities that make them excellent leaders.
They are creative thinkers
There is a link between creativity and introversion as most of the world’s greatest innovators, writers, and entrepreneurs are introverts.
This is because introverts love using their work to express themselves creatively.
Steve Wozniak writes in his memoir, iWoz: Computer Geek to Cult Icon, “Most inventors and engineers I’ve met are like me. They’re shy, and they live in their heads. It’s almost as if they’re artists. The best of them are, in fact, artists. Artists work best alone when they can control the design of an invention without a lot of marketing or other committee members involved.”
They are great listeners
Introverts are generally good at listening and empathizing with people.
When working with clients and employees, this trait is very useful because listening and asking the right questions is vital.
Introverts don’t speak unless they have something valuable to offer, and they maintain their calm in the face of difficulties.
As stated by Nancy Ancowitz, a career coach and author of Self Promotion for Introverts, introverts tend to shy away from being the center of attention, and when they do talk, it’s often only after considering what they wish to say.
Their strong suit is taking a step back to observe and analyze a situation.
They Encourage the Sharing of Ideas
Introverted business owners, in addition to being excellent listeners, are continuously on the lookout for the best solutions.
This implies that when making a decision, they can set aside their egos and consider the ideas of others.
They understand that when trying to develop a profitable business, it helps to have the most talented people on your side.
A study conducted by the Wharton University of Pennsylvania found that, because introverted leaders encouraged others’ ideas, they produce much better results than extroverts in the management of employees.
While extroverts aim to promote their business plans, introverts “concentrate on the thoughts and actions of others,” according to Waylae Gregoire of NextShark.
As business owners, introverts are used to evaluating the ideas of others, providing meaningful feedback, and organizing what others bring to the table.
Introverts are humble.
When it comes to business, you must be able to work with people (people skills).
You must also be able to flip situations around and see things from someone else’s point of view.
When you make a mistake, it’s equally critical that you maintain your humility, and introverted entrepreneurs aren’t scared to admit their mistakes.
With this, they demonstrate to clients, colleagues, and consumers that they are also humans who make mistakes from time to time.
Nobody wants to work with or be managed by an entrepreneur who thinks they are perfect.
They are result-driven
Indeed, introverted business owners are passionate about their business idea.
They are less concerned with gaining power or becoming the center of attention.
“By their nature, introverts tend to get passionate about one, two, or three things in their lives…and in the service of their passion for an idea, they will go out and build alliances and networks and acquire expertise and do whatever it takes to make it happen,” says Susan Cain, author of Quiet Power.
As business owners, they are more concerned with the company’s success than with personal glory.
They think before making a decision
Research has shown that introverts are less inclined to make hasty decisions.
Introverts can sit in solitude for hours at a time and be alone, as they focus on their creations.
With this, they can focus on their business instead of being distracted by social interactions or other appealing short-term goals.
Extroverts on the other hand thrive when they are surrounded by people, which means they don’t have much time to sit with their thoughts and develop a well-thought-out plan for the business’s success.
Some successful introverts in business
As proof that introverts can become successful business owners, let’s take a look at some famous business owners who are introverts, and how they’ve been able to succeed using their introversion.
Hopefully, this would inspire you to believe more in your introverted qualities.
Elon Musk
It may be strange to think that the so-called “next Steve Jobs” was once a reserved, introverted engineer, but Musk himself is open about his past.
Musk realized the power he could wield through communication and socialization.
He then recalibrated his reserve to help his ideas thrive in an environment traditionally known to favor extroverts.
Mark Zuckerberg
Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook’s COO, once described Mark Zuckerberg as “shy and introverted, and he often does not appear very warm to people who don’t know him, but he is warm.”
As contradictory as it may sound, Zuckerberg has been able to develop charisma through his introversion.
He surrounds himself with team leaders that complement his talents, allowing him to grow Facebook into the corporation it is now.
Bill Gates
You’re probably familiar with Bill Gates as a multibillionaire and co-founder of Microsoft.
Gates began his career as a solitary introvert, but he complimented his strengths and weaknesses by surrounding himself with the right people.
He said, “If you’re clever, you can learn to gain the benefits of being an introvert, which includes, for example, being ready to go off for a few days and think about a difficult problem, read all you can, and push yourself very hard to think out on the edge of that area. Then, if you come up with something, you should learn what extroverts do, recruit some extroverts, and tap into these two sets of skills.”
Larry Page
Larry Page and Sergey Brin co-founded Google, and we all know how that journey ended.
Page was Google’s CEO until 2001, he then re-assumed the post in 2011 (which he held until 2015 when Google migrated to Alphabet).
Many people thought Page’s hiring was strange at the time because he’s reserved and geeky.
However, Page’s quiet, intellectual character enabled him to create an innovative new product and a unique brand that is still regarded as one of the best examples of corporate culture in the country.
Warren Buffet
Warren Buffet, the founder and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, is a prominent investor and one of the world’s wealthiest people.
He’s also noted for his calm personality, critical thinking skills, and intellectual persistence.
He’s naturally introverted, but he nevertheless manages to run one of the country’s most prestigious businesses.
He uses his introverted characteristics as an entrepreneurial strength by bringing that intellectual level-headedness into his communication style.
The idea that only extroverts can be successful in business is a myth. You can be an introvert and still be a confident problem solver and decision-maker.
So, do not let the fact that you are introverted get in the way of you starting or managing that business.
However, business success is not based on whether you are an introvert or an extrovert.
As long as you have the necessary skills and resources needed to succeed in your business, you can become successful beyond your imagination.