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Can Introverts Become Extroverts?

By: Solomon Asine

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As an introvert, you are probably wondering how possible it is to become an extrovert. Want to know if that’s possible? Find out in this article!

A 2020 study of over 800 adults and college students found that most people want to be more extroverted, emotionally stable, and conscientious. 

This is understandably so because as introverts it can sometimes be frustrating to function, especially in a society where introverts tend to be overlooked and extroversion is more favored.

At some point in your life, you’ve probably been told by your friends and your teachers to “be more outgoing and sociable”.

On top of that, there are many workplaces where extroverts are more likely to be hired or get promoted.

And so, I can understand why you may want to be more extroverted in some aspects.

But the big question is, can we change from being an introvert to an extrovert?

Can an extrovert become an introvert?

An introvert cannot become an extrovert. Introversion and extroversion are how the brain is hardwired to gain energy, process information, and deal with outside stimulation.

Being an introvert is a personality trait that cannot or should not be fixed.

And so if you’re someone who happens to be introverted, it’s very unlikely you’re going to change to being an extrovert.

According to most personality type theories, a person’s personality type is inborn and cannot be changed.

Austrian psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, suggests that by the age of five, much of one’s personality has been shaped.

Many psychologists of the modern age have also added that the overall personality type of a man (whether introvert or extrovert) is relatively fixed and stable throughout life.

However, it is possible to develop extrovert characteristics to allow you to get by in public.

But while some introverts may become more comfortable with them through habit; others never feel completely at home with them.

Clinical psychologist Dr. Josh Klapow, Ph.D., explains that introverts who practice extroversion daily may find that their extroverted behaviors become more commonplace, and they are embraced and even admired as a result.

You must however understand that despite our ability to learn and display extroverted behaviors, introverts cannot become extroverted by nature.

This means that an introverted personality cannot be permanently changed.

Explaining to Bustle, psychologist Dr. Erika Martinez says that introverts can look like extroverts, they can learn to exhibit extroverted behaviors, manage their anxiety and environmental stimulation, but that won’t change their fundamental nature.

They’ll still have an introverted temperament, and they’ll need time to recover from being extroverted. She adds.

So, even if an introvert refines or change their behavior to become more extroverted, they are likely to revert to their natural ways when they are anxious, tired, stressed, or exhausted.

Klapow refers to this as our “fallback state.”

With this, you may find that if you’re originally an introvert showing extroverted behavior, it’s likely you show introvert behavior again when you come under a lot of pressure.

This is expected since as introverts, we are more inclined to spend time alone being in solitude.

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What happens when an introvert tries to be an extrovert?

If you try to be more like an extrovert you’re doing a huge disservice by trying to be someone else.

You’re just going to end up burning yourself out and getting exhausted in the long run.

Psych2Go gives 5 side effects for introverts pretending to be extroverts.

  • Mental instability
  • Lonely adulthood days
  • Lack of success
  • Difficulty keeping friends
  • Lack of success

So, with that in mind let me ask you this question, why would you want to be an extrovert?

Is it because they appear more sociable and outgoing? Or is it because they seem to have a lot of friends?

If any of these reasons apply to you understand that even as an introvert you can still be outgoing and sociable, you can still network and meet new people, and you can still make as many friends as you want.

So, just because you’re an introvert doesn’t mean that you cannot do some of these things.

The idea of being an introvert is just that you’re living your life differently, and there’s nothing wrong with that.

Being an introvert can be very exciting you know.

As introverts, we tend to be better listeners, mysterious, independent, creative, and we are better able to engage in deep and meaningful conversations.

So, be comfortable with yourself and embrace your introverted personality with all love and pride.

I know that can be very tough especially in a society where unfortunately many people equate extroversion with success.

But what they don’t understand is that even as an introvert you can still be successful as long as you work hard, make the right decisions, and most importantly, be yourself.


As an introvert, you can learn extroverted behaviors that make you seem more like an extrovert and even become very comfortable with extroversion.

However, that doesn’t mean that your introverted personality has changed.

So, if you’re an introvert who is looking to fake it until you make it in this extrovert-friendly world, you’ll always need to go home and recharge eventually.

June 27, 2024 2:00 PM | Online

June 27, 2024 2:00 PM | Online

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