Well, you probably think it’s best to be in a relationship with an extroverted partner, someone who compliments your personality.
Of course, introverts and extroverts can have beautiful, harmonious relationships. They can embrace their differences and fulfill each other’s needs.
I will also acknowledge that some introvert/introvert relationships are inherently flawed with both partners staying in their corner, unable to be vulnerable and truly connect.
But I’m not going to talk about that right now.
The focus of this post is to make you see reasons why it’s better to be with someone who naturally understands and shares similar interests with you.
So can two introverts be in a relationship?
Two introverts can be in a relationship as they are more likely to find comfort and understanding from being with someone with a similar personality as they both value and appreciate the same things. However, like any relationship, they could potentially struggle together if their communication is poor.
This was according to Andrew Aaron, LICSW, who explains that having two introverts in a relationship can be a good match.
With them sharing similar interests, they could become amazing lovers if they manage to give each other enough room and freedom (within limits, of course).
They would have the best of both worlds in their relationship.
And as long as they are doing things they love together, there is no need to pretend to be someone they are not because they understand each other’s challenges.
Many people claim that opposites attract each other and that what is lacking in one can be found in the other.
However, that theory can be thrown out the window when two introverts get together.
Just know that dating an introvert is different from dating an extrovert.
The shared interest means that there won’t be many disagreements about where to go on a date night as their first choice will probably be a night at home reading or watching a movie.
It’s just that they typically perform these activities on their own, in their corners.
Generally, introverts find it difficult to let another person into their life and heart, even if that person is also introverted.
They sometimes enjoy their own company so much that they have trouble adapting to having someone around them.
They are used to being by themselves doing their own thing, so the knowledge that they can fall back on that safety net at any time is comforting for them.
What happens when two introverts fall in love?
Here are some of the things that happen when two introverts fall in love.
1. When introverts fall in love, intimacy becomes amazing.
When you take the time to get to know and understand your partner, things become truly special.
There are several myths about introverts. For example, some people believe introverts aren’t interested in sex, but this is false!
We introverts enjoy the sexy time, we are only more selective about who we allow into our lives. As a result, intimacy becomes a lot more valuable.
There are sparkles and bubbles when introverts are in intimacy. There is love and there is passion!
2. Meaningful conversation also takes place as introverts are deep thinkers who spend a lot of time alone.
Their motivation is heightened by creativity and deep thinking.
So, expect most of their conversations to be deep, meaningful, or mind-boggling.
Despite their introverted nature, small talk would, of course, take place as well.
Simple questions like “how are you” or “how did your day go” would quickly become each other’s comfort zone.
3. When two introverts fall in love, the whole process moves at a slower pace.
For introverts, dating someone new like an extrovert sometimes takes them out of their comfort zone.
But by having an introverted partner, they no longer have to worry about getting out of their comfort zone.
4. The home generally becomes a peaceful and quiet place since one of the partners isn’t continuously blasting the TV while talking on the phone.
They both value quiet.
5. One of them with more social “bandwidth” may be forced to be the couple’s public face regularly.
Though both partners are introverts, one is likely to be more outgoing than the other.
It can be enjoyable for this person to sometimes flex his/her “extrovert” muscle, but it can also be draining sometimes.
6. When two introverts fall in love, dates almost always consist of making dinner together, ordering take-out, renting a movie, or blowing through the DVR.
7. Because introverts tend to need time to open up to new people, they both may have felt uneasy on their first few dates.
However, once they get to know each other, their true personalities come out.
Together, the two of them become funny, fun, and even downright quirky.
8. When two introverts get engaged, it’s likely that the proposal will take place in private with just the two of them.
9. At their wedding, they’ll probably whisper lovely little things to one another during the ceremony to help them cope with the awkwardness of standing in front of everyone.
Expect them to invite only the necessary people to keep the guest list as small as possible.
Also, their favorite part of the night will be to enjoy a private moment together right after the ceremony to take it all in before returning to the celebration.
10. By having an introverted partner, you don’t have to explain why you need alone time; your partner just gets it and respects it.
11. When two introverts fall in love, there’s a shared joy in knowing that they have found someone who enjoys staying in practically every night as much as they do.
12. They are generally interested in the same interests and hobbies.
This makes the relationship and life a lot easier, right?
When on vacation, for example, they are both fine with low-key activities like reading on the beach or visiting a museum.
Neither of them wants to go out clubbing or rushing from one tourist trap to the next.
13. They have only a few close friends, and they’re fine with it.
Because they have limited “people” energy, introverts generally keep their social circles small.
So, when it comes to friendships, they choose quality over quantity.
14. They will frequently find themselves in the same room without actually speaking to one another.
They are each doing something different, such as drawing, reading, playing a video game, or browsing the internet.
Sometimes, they may sit near each other, with each still doing their own thing while connecting in some small ways, like hand holding or feet touching.
15. When two introverts fall in love, expect them to share and reference a ridiculous amount of inside jokes daily,
This is because they now finally know someone else’s mind as well as their own.
16. Rather than going to parties and other social events, they will be spending a lot more time at home, which they are both okay with.
If they are a couple, their favorite “couple” activity may be ordering food from a favorite restaurant, watching a movie, or playing a video game together.
17. Finally, the relationship feels like a match made in heaven!