Anyone, including introverts, can live an interesting and fun-filled life. Here is how to be interesting as an introvert.
Generally, many people believe that introverts are boring and uninteresting and not always fun to be around.
This belief may be pardoned considering how quiet, reserved and unsocial (sometimes shy) introverts can be.
And while introverts are involved in activities (i.e., reading, watching movies alone) that people of similar interests consider interesting, others (extroverts) may find these activities boring.
This goes to show that the word ‘interesting’ is subjective, as what is interesting to an introvert may not interest an extrovert, and vice versa.
Regardless, as an introvert, you can become interesting to everyone (even to extroverts) if you do the right thing and engage in the right activities.
Here is how to be interesting as an introvert:
Get people to talk about themselves
Since introverts spend so much time alone studying and reading, they tend to know a lot about many different subjects.
The problem however is getting them to talk to others. Luckily, they don’t have to talk about themselves to become interesting.
Now, one way to be interesting as an introvert while staying true to your personality is to engage in deep discussions with people by letting them talk about themselves.
People love to talk about themselves, so if you’re a good listener (which most introverts are), you’ll appear more interesting to people you interact with.
Studies show that most people spend 60 percent of their conversations talking about themselves. This figure rises to 80 percent when using social media platforms like Twitter or Facebook.
But why so much love for self-talk? Because it feels good!
A study shows that talking about ourselves gives our brain the same pleasure as food or money. Wow!

Mindset Makeover
Take advantage of social media
One way to live an interesting life as an introvert is to use social media.
Social media is indeed a blessing for introverts since it is one of the sure ways to live a social life without actually being social.
Rarely do you see an introvert having a long-term conversation or discussion with friends or family, but with the help of social media platforms, they can now comfortably socialize with people without the pressure of face-to-face interaction.
The truth is, for introverts, instead of a physical conversation, it’s much easier to keep a conversation going when exchanging text messages or chatting online.
Likewise, it’s much easier to send someone a friend request on Facebook than it is to physically approach someone you’ve never met.
Please remember that social media can also be a source of stress since it exposes you to the toxic behavior of other users. So, my advice would be to use social media moderately and with caution.
Help others by volunteering
According to HelpGuide, some of the surprising benefits of volunteering are that it brings fun and fulfillment to our lives and helps us connect with others.
Indeed, introverts care deeply for others and for causes that help others.
If they are going to work with others, they want to be able to see intrinsic value in the situations.
You can choose the things that are most important to you, whether it is visiting elderly people, walking dogs in an animal shelter, or packing food parcels.
In addition to doing some good, volunteering allows you to socialize and find a cause that you are passionate about at the same time.
You can search online for local volunteer opportunities or contact the organizations that you would like to assist. They’ll be grateful for your assistance.
Participate in single-player athletic activities
You can become an interesting figure by becoming a sports player. Trust me; not all introverts are nerds.
Since introverts prefer engaging in sports in which their performance is judged individually, it is best to participate in an individual sport, not a team sport.
So, participate in tennis, golf, boxing, ice skating, etc. Some of these sports are populated by introverts who cannot handle the pressure of coordinating a team of 5, 10, or 50, as is sometimes the case in other sports.
The good thing is that whether you are involved in an individual sport or a team sport, sports fans just find sports and their players interesting.
This can be even more so in an individual sport as you will be taking full credit for your success.
Develop your creative sense
One of the attractive traits of introverts is that they are deep thinkers.
Often, introverts just prefer their own space to think and showcase their abilities.
This ability to focus inwards (deep or critical thinking) is a strong contributing factor to an introvert’s creative abilities.
An introvert’s world is vibrant and richly detailed. Introverts have a deep connection with imagination. Creativity requires imagination.
Introverts often have a lot running through their head that they want to share with others but are often unable to communicate.
This gives you the chance to build a creative self by thinking of new ideas that an average person would not think of.
When you can use your creative ability, you can live an awesome and interesting life.
Einstein, Watson, Dutko, and Gate, the co-founders of Microsoft, were all labeled introverts, but we celebrate and remember them today for living very fulfilling lives as successful introverts for making a large impact on world history.
You, too, can use your creativity to make an impact in the world today.
Cooking and baking
As the season changes, people’s craving for home-baked cakes, cookies, and brownies increases.
So, if you have got a thing for cooking or baking, it’s time to start showing those skills! People find cooks and bakers interesting.
Trust me; a deliciously baked food is a delightful treat, whether you share it with your close friends or save it for after-socializing.
Show your intelligence
Have you ever been in a group where you have the right answer to a very tricky question but you are just too shy to speak up?
Well, maybe it’s time to stop being shy and start expressing your intelligence when possible.
Generally, people find those who are smart and witty interesting.
Luckily, introverts are naturally smart, and their words are usually few but more powerful.
Be interesting to yourself
As an introvert, I can assure you that I am an interesting person to myself.
This means that I try to please myself by doing the things I love doing, regardless of whether people find it interesting or not.
I believe that the term “interesting” is highly relative. So, continue to be yourself by being real and unique, and you will attract people’s interest.
Furthermore, confidence is important not only from the perspective of others but also from your viewpoint, because who doesn’t enjoy feeling good about themselves?
Contrary to public belief, introverts can also live an interesting life.
The task, however, is in striking the balance between self-interest and public interests.
And while you may want to work toward being generally perceived as an ‘interesting introvert’, it’s important to only engage in interesting activities that promote your personality as an introvert.