Have you fallen in love with an introvert and now you are looking for how best to get him/her to fall in love with you too? Here are ten tips on how to make an introvert fall in love with you as quickly as possible!
Getting an introvert to fall in love with you requires patience and a good understanding of how introverts function.
Introverts are special creatures, so you must understand that what might get an extrovert to fall in love may not necessarily work for an introvert.
Here are my 10 tips on how to get an introvert to fall in love with you.
1. Do not try to fix them.
It is important to understand this before proceeding on your mission to win the heart of that dear introvert.
When you consider the daily lives of introverts at work and school, they often feel as if the entire world is trying to fix them.
We see society trying to get them to be sociable, or loud, which isn’t what introverts stand for.
Now, the last thing they want to feel when they withdraw into their love life is the same demand or pressure to be someone they are not.
Even though your attempt to draw them out of their shell may be well-intentioned, remember that people are created to function differently.
So, understand the difference between occasionally pulling them out of their comfort zones (which isn’t always a bad thing), and expecting them to transform into the social butterflies of your dreams.
Trying not to fix them shows that you appreciate and love them for who they truly are, and they are sure to love you for this.
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July 31, 2024 2:00 PM | Online
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2. Show your loyalty to them
Friendship and love are important to introverts.
This explains why they can be quite picky about who we let into their inner circle.
Therefore they want their companion to be faithful and trustworthy.
They want to be sure that they can entrust their most valuable possessions to you without any fear of regret.
As a result, they will quietly (in their head) try to find answers to a lot of questions, like;
Will you be there for them? Will you preserve their secrets? will you treasure the friendship?
They just want to be sure that their decision is right, and if it is, you can count on them to be extremely devoted to you in return.
3. Help them escape social situations.
It’s no secret that introverts generally get more socially exhausted than their extroverted partner.
Even if it’s their own family, they always want to leave the party, family meal, or get-together earlier than everyone else.
So, even though they might be working on improving their social stamina, they still want to be sure that their significant order understands their “I have had enough, I want to go home” looks when they are out at the party.
By understanding this, and helping them exit the scene without burning bridges, you become special, understanding, and compatible in their eye.
4. Surprise them
Everyone loves good surprises, including introverts.
Whatever you choose to surprise them with doesn’t have to be anything expensive; it only needs to be good and valuable.
This means that spending thousands of dollars arranging a surprise birthday party may not be the best of surprises for an introvert.
Why? Because you just increased their anxiety level by exposing them to the crowd! No introvert wants that.
On the other hand, they are likely to respond more positively and excitedly when you decide to surprise them with a copy of a great book (latest edition).
Now this, to an introvert, is a good surprise.
5. Avoid being too needy
An introvert’s anxiety level rise when they feel overly needed. They consider it to be a threat to their independence.
This is why they always want to be sure that their partner will allow them to wander and ponder.
Their greatest fear is indeed the fear of losing themselves in the relationship.
The fear is real and understandable as they are likely to be consumed by the needs of the other person that they may have nothing left to offer to themselves.
A needy partner can be even more overwhelming for a sensitive introvert who is already open to such a situation.
So show them that you have your hobbies, passion, and friends and that you don’t need him/her to fill all of your empty spots.
6. Engage in their interests and hobbies
According to Diary of an Introvert, nothing gets an introvert more excited than engaging in their hobbies with them.
Some popular areas of interest for introverts include writing, fine art, or watching that favorite movie series.
No matter how boring these hobbies may be to you, make the effort to engage with them as this will stand out in their heart!.
7. Actively listen to them
The fact that introverts are quiet doesn’t mean they have nothing to say.
As much as they listen to others, they also want to be heard.
They may be “word economists”, but they put a lot of thinking into the things they say, which is why they value it so much when their partner truly listens to them.
Normally, introverts need more time to think before speaking, so rushing them into a conversation can be extremely stressful.
Just allow them to process their thoughts by not interrupting and leaving some blank spaces in the conversation.
Also, learn to wait a few seconds after they’ve finished speaking before responding.
If you or someone else interrupts them in the middle of a conversation, make sure to invite him/her to continue after the disruption has passed.
A great way to win the heart of an introvert is to acknowledge what he/she says by paraphrasing and affirming what was said.
So, to win the heart of that introvert, you must develop your listening skills.
8. Give them space
No matter how good they feel about you, everyone needs space, and introverts need it even more, whether a romantic relationship or a friendship.
They find it charming if you do not preoccupy yourself with their case or affairs.
Verywellfamily.com explains that introverts need a lot of space as being around others (partner inclusive) can be tiring as they need alone time to recover some of their energy.
Now, before you start to lose sleep wondering why they don’t want to be around you, understand that introverts need to for alone time isn’t about you but them.
Win their heart over by leaving them alone to think and process the situation. Trust me, introverts find this sexy!
It’s just amazing how possible it is to win their love by simply doing nothing!
9. Make them feel understood
Recognizing and appreciating an introvert’s strengths is one of the best things you can do for them as they can sometimes get extremely hard on themselves.
This is because they sometimes recognize areas where they could improve or where they may not be reaching your (or the world’s) expectations.
The problem with this is that it often appears to them like the world favors outgoing personalities more.
So, praise them for their quietness, intelligence, ingenuity, compassionate heart, and listening skills.
By letting him/her know that their presence is felt on this planet, the introvert will undoubtedly fall in love with you in no time.
10. Be patient with them.
With introverts, it can sometimes feel like they are taking an eternity to make their decisions.
As a result, you may be tempted to rush things by being forceful. Don’t.
Understand that introverts take longer than extroverts to open up.
They just want to be extra sure that the person they are with will provide them with the needed space and time to process their emotions.
So, you risk pushing them away if you try to force intimacy too fast.
It is more rewarding to gently and patiently allow them to open up in their own time, as this can help him/her fall in love with you much quicker.
Getting an introvert to fall in love with you isn’t as difficult as you think.
You only need patience and a good understanding of how introverts function and thrive.
Do this, and you will be getting your introvert crush to fall in love with you in no time!