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What to Do When an Introvert Ignores You

By: Solomon Asine

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What does it mean when an introvert decides to ignore you? Well, it probably isn’t what you are thinking. When an introvert ignores you, here are five things to do.

When an introvert decides to take a break from us for a while, we are quick to conclude we must have done something wrong.

We then forget to understand that alone time is something introverts crave as it gives them that refilling boost of energy.

Nonetheless, whether you have done something wrong or whether their decision is as a result of their need for alone time (which is typical of most introverts), here are five things you should do.

What does it mean when an introvert ignores you?

An introvert may choose to ignore you for several reasons, and sometimes, their reasons may have nothing to do with you, or how you treated them.

Introverts are just wired to sometimes want to do nothing else other than stay in solitude for some time.

During this period, they may decide to ignore even their most loved one, their mom!

With this in mind, understand that they may be ignoring you for any of the following reasons:

  • They are socially exhausted and just need some time alone
  • They know you would only engage them in small talks and nothing else.
  • They suspect you will engage them in uncomfortable conversations.
  • If they believe a confrontation or argument will take place, they will ignore you until you forget about it.
  • Introverts feel bad when they are made to feel bad about themselves. They may be ignoring you for this.
  • They believe you will make them feel bad about doing something they shouldn’t have done.
  • When they suspect that you will be asking them awkward questions.
  • You make them feel bad for being introverted
  • They are waiting for those embarrassing situations to fade away as they don’t want to be reminded of the uncomfortable situation or be present for the follow-up conversation.
  • They feel bad about what they did to you.
  • You have pissed them off!
  • They just don’t like you.

As you can tell that their decision to ignore you may sometimes not be due to something you might have done wrong.

It doesn’t always have to be your fault!

Now, here is what to do when they decide to stay away.

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5 things to do when an introvert ignores you

1. Don’t take it personal

As stated earlier, it’s important to have this understanding as this affects how well you handle the situation.

Most people go into a panic mood thinking they have done something wrong and they become quick to tender an apology when they have done nothing wrong.

Understand that it can sometimes be about them, not you and that they will contact you once their issues have been resolved.

2. Stay calm and patient

Not everyone receives information in the same way, and not all introverts learn or move at the same pace.

This might irritate extroverts, who may believe that their social experiment has failed if the introvert does not respond right away.

It’s best not to expect an introvert to respond to your text or calls promptly.

Always keep in mind that it’s not always about you.

It may appear that way, but believe me when I say that it is not the case.

Maybe they just don’t consider you a priority right now.

So relax, and they’ll come around sooner or later.

3. Give them some space

Understand that introverts value their personal space and privacy as they would rather be alone indoors staring at the room than be out in a group.

A recent study shows that extroverts get more stimulated when they see people but introverts get stimulated by inanimate objects.

Sometimes, introverts tend to ignore a lot of people, including their loved ones.

This is not because they dislike you, but because they have too many people to deal with in their life at that moment.

This can be a very tiring exercise for them so they may rotate their attention to one person at a time.

Understand that if introverts don’t get their alone time, they will explode and shut down hence the need to ignore everybody until they regain their energy.

This does not mean introverts do not enjoy close relationships; they just don’t have to spend all of their time with the same people to feel happy.

Give them their freedom if they want to be alone or with only one other person, and do not make demands on them.

4. Approach them with the situation

Only do this if all options are closed and it’s already taking too long for them to get in touch.

Even when asked explicitly, introverts are hesitant to express their thoughts and feelings.

So, if your previous attempts to reach them fail, you’ll have to be more direct. 

Do not accuse them of anything; instead, ask if they would prefer not to be around you for a while to allow them to be with someone who can understand them better.

Do this, and if they value the friendship you both shared, they would eventually open up to you.

5. Let them go.

Worst case scenario, they are probably no more into you.

This is more likely so especially if you find them being around other people while they continuously ignore you.

This may be a signal to let them go, and move on.

I get it, it’s hard to let go of someone you care about, but understand that your state of mind is also important.

You don’t have to own an introvert just because you’re close to one.

It’s easy for introverts to feel suffocated by frequent communication from friends and family, so don’t try to contact them if they tell you not to.

Even if it looks like something is wrong, respect their boundary and remind yourself of how fortunate you are to have such a wonderful friend in the first place.


“Is he/she ignoring me?” you might be wondering.

This isn’t something new as introverts have a habit of being alone.

It’s merely a move to re-energize, as they also like spending time with family and friends now and again.

So be understanding and patient with them, as they will eventually get in touch with you when the time is right.

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