Public speaking skill is just as important to students as it is to workers. Here are my eight reasons why public speaking is important for students.
Every year, high school and college students compete in speech and debate events.
This provides opportunities for students to speak in front of a group.
The life skill of speaking confidently empowers a child not only in school but also in any situation she may face.
Public speaking not only boosts a student’s self-confidence but also helps them become better leaders and communicators.
It also empowers them to successfully give a presentation in class, at work, or in other professional settings.
Students must practice and overcome their worries to feel confident when speaking in front of an audience.
Because of the different opportunities for practice throughout high school and college, public speaking remains an important skill for students to develop.
Here are 8 reasons why public speaking is important for students.
Why is Public Speaking Important for Students?
1. It improves communication skills
Effective public speaking involves both verbal and non-verbal communication.
As students get older, many teachers grade their book reports, project presentations, or debates based on oral presentations.
Eventually, students who are skilled in public speaking stand out in the group and earn higher grades.
Related: 5 Ways to Improve Your Interpersonal Communication Skills
2. Helps Develop leadership skills
Public speaking is a critical leadership skill, according to Life Science Leader.
Even as a student, leadership skill is an important skill to consider whether you want to succeed in school or your career.
As a leader, you will have many opportunities to speak in front of people.
Amazingly, human history is filled with great leaders who were also great public speakers.
So, if your student is a good leader, they will be offered more opportunities in social situations such as your work, and other areas of life.
3. It boosts confidence and self-esteem
A study by North Carolina Cooperative Extension of people aged 9 to 18 who participated in a public speaking program found that public speaking increases self-confidence.
By learning public speaking, students can develop their self-confidence.
Mastering this difficult but life-changing skill can help them gain the confidence they need to face both present and future challenges.
So, expect your child’s self-confidence to grow as she regularly learns how to effectively speak in public.
She will over time become less likely to stumble over her words.
She will confidently raise her hand in class, speak up when she has something to say, and engage in healthy debate when necessary.
Related: How Public Speaking Boosts Your Self-Confidence
4. Helps overcome fear and anxiety.
Did you know that the fear of public speaking is the number one fear in America, with people fearing it more than death?
Yes, some people would rather lose their life than speak in public!
Another study shows that 75% of students admitted their fear of public speaking.
95% of them agreed that if proper counseling, instruction, and coaching are provided, this fear can be overcome.
My point is that if a child can overcome the number one fear (public speaking), he/she should be able to successfully overcome other “smaller fears”.
People are often afraid to speak in front of a group, but they can overcome those fears by practicing and getting comfortable with public speaking.
Related: How to Overcome Fear and Become a Confident Public Speaker
5. Helps students form connections
Public Speaking is by far the best way to network and build relationships with the right people, especially as a young adult.
The problem is that some of them struggle to connect with others.
This prevents them from forming a relationship with someone who could help them in their development.
As a result, every school must educate students about the importance of such things and how they might overcome their hesitations and effectively communicate with others.
6. Classroom activities improve when students speak better.
When students are given an assignment, teachers have them speak as an afterthought, but they do not teach them how to speak well.
Can you describe specific instructions you gave students about effective speaking? Do you teach body language as well?
Why not give a lesson on pacing or how to connect a talk to a specific audience?
When done correctly, read-aloud bring books to life and inspire student interest in reading.
For example, when poems are composed with the sound of words in mind, they become worth listening to.
Creating presentations that don’t bore classmates who don’t remember anything about what you presented a day or even an hour later, is something worth striving for.
Ideas need to be presented passionately and coherently for discussions to be engaging.
We won’t suffer through student speaking activities if we develop our oral communication skills; instead, we’ll enjoy the talks.
7. Develops your social skills
Public speaking is an excellent way for students to improve their social skills, especially as an introvert.
It can help them become more comfortable in numerous situations where they have to talk and interact with people.
Whether they are making a presentation or simply having a chat with someone, public speaking improves their social skills.
Related: How to Be More Social as an Introvert
8. Strengthens their ability to organize and lead events
Significant events require the leadership of powerful minds who are not afraid to speak up and amplify their cause.
This means that when confronted with opposition, they can create a spine and stand up for themselves, their school, or organization.
For example, the address given by Mahatma Gandhi on the Quit India Movement in 1942 inspired patriotism and nationalism in every Indian.
It also helped the Indian National Congress pass the famous Quit India Resolution, which was vital to the country’s independence in 1947.
Indeed, one powerful speech by a man who wasn’t too masculine to look at changed the entire nation’s politics.
So, understand that this seed of empowerment and enthusiasm for oration is planted in a child while in school.
Many students find public speaking to be a scary activity, but with time and practice, it can become a vital skill for success in any situation.